A Different Approach To Thyroid Disease.

In our office we see patients every day that are sick and tired of being sick and tired!

Millions of Americans  suffer from the effects of thyroid issues. Many of them have received the diagnosis but continue to suffer the exact same symptoms! Many exhibit all of the symptoms listed above but have been unable to find out why!

Thyroid disorders are often called the invisible diseases. Thyroid sufferers often look fine on the surface, but underneath they are often exhausted, moody, and in excruciating pain.

Our practice is comprised of Dr.Alukonis and Jenn Albers. Dr Alukonis is a board certified Chiropractic Orthopedist as well as a Functional Medicine Practitioner. Jenn Albers is a Certified Health Coach, Certified Gluten Practitioner as well as a Functional Medicine Practitioner. They have been treating conditions just like yours for years. They use all natural protocols to help thyroid patients feel better and live healthier, more joyful lives.

What makes our approach different for people that suffer from thyroid disease?

Comprehensive blood testing:
We run a full array of thyroid markers that includes T3 and thyroid anti-bodies. We also look at laboratory testing with a lot more scrutiny. There is a big difference in what is considered “lab normal” and what we use, which is “functionally normal.” The "functional normal" is what we would refer to as the optimal range. TSH is the perfect example. Lab normal for TSH is typically 0.5-5.5. In order for the body to function at a maximum level, TSH should be between 1.50 and 3.0. Running comprehensive testing and using the functional ranges allows me to identify areas of concern earlier on for a patient.

Evaluation of ALL SYSTEMS involved in thyroid function:
We assess and look for underlying factors that are affecting the health of the thyroid. There are many factors that can affect thyroid function. The liver, gut, adrenal glands, pituitary, and immune system all play a role in making the thyroid work as it should. This is why a simple TSH cannot tell the whole story!

Nothing gets us more excited than seeing someone who has been chronically suffering getting back to feeling like the person that they were before they got sick! That's why we have made it our mission in practice to help those suffering with chronic symptoms!

These issues won't just go away on their own and most doctors just prescribe something that may or may not temporarily mask the symptoms. At Space Coast Advanced Health, we get to the root cause to correct what started the problem in the first place.

We're currently running a limited time offer (we have extended this offer due to demand) for anyone suffering from thyroid conditions, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, autoimmune and an inability to lose weight.

For a limited time we are offering our new patient consultation and examination for $67. (normally $250.)
What exactly does this offer include?
• An in-depth consultation where we will listen…really listen!!
• A complete functional neurological and metabolic examination.
• A thorough analysis of any past health records including past laboratory results so we can start mapping out a recovery plan and get to the root cause of any chronic conditions you may be suffering from.

Imagine waking up each morning, jumping out of bed, and enjoying the day…no more waking up dreading the day!
No two patients are the same and it is always my goal to dig into the unique characteristics of every patient's health history and develop a comprehensive approach to healing!

To set up the initial consultation at our office simply call 321-783-1960!
Call anytime between the hours of 9:00 am and 5:00 pm Monday through Friday.

Tell my staff that you’d like to come in for the Special Thyroid Evaluation!

P.S. One of the biggest myths about any chronic condition is that it goes away all by itself! If these problems have not gone away by now, they are not likely to disappear on their own. Call us today and find relief. 321-783-1960


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