What is Functional Medicine?

Functional Medicine — Treating the Root Cause

Functional medicine is one of the emerging buzz words in the world of health and wellness, therefore you may not know a whole lot of information about it yet or how it can benefit you. Functional medicine is designed to help practitioners and patients recognize, manage, and prevent the interconnected web of dysfunction that is at the foundation of chronic disease — primarily driven by the lifelong, daily interaction between an individual’s genetics, environment and lifestyle choices.
Most medical professionals agree that we are living in the middle of a chronic disease crisis. Functional medicine addresses the underlying causes of disease, using a systems-oriented approach and engaging both patient and practitioner in a therapeutic partnership. It is an evolution in the practice of medicine that better addresses the healthcare needs of the 21st century. By shifting the traditional disease-centered focus of medical practice to a more patient-centered approach, functional medicine addresses the whole person, not just an isolated set of symptoms.

Dr. Steve Alukonis of Space Coast Advanced Health provides a multi-faceted approach of healing that can be applied to anyone tired of dealing with debilitating migraines, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgiaWeight gain, Autoimmuneperipheral neuropathy or thyroid issues. He utilizes the latest in advancements in neck, back and disc herniations and protrusions.

Dr. Steve Alukonis and Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, Jennifer Albers
Functional medicine practitioners like Dr. Alukonis spend time with their patients, listening to their histories and looking at the interactions among genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors that can influence long-term health and complex, chronic disease. In this way, functional medicine supports the unique expression of health and vitality for each individual.
“We really get to know what’s going on,” he said. “Everybody is different.”
This “whole person” approach looks at the body’s different functions including the thyroid, gut health and adrenal glands.
Gut bacteria comprises more than 75 percent of our entire immune system. Quite often an immune system has been weakened by an imbalance of proper gut bacteria, along with an overload of internal and external toxins. Simply correcting this balance can restore healthy gut function.
Thyroid disorders often go undiagnosed but over 20 million Americans are affected by them. Space Coast Advanced Health’s approach is revolutionary in that it addresses the source of thyroid disorders by using advanced lab measurements and a comprehensive functional brain-based protocol.
The adrenal glands make a hormone called “cortisol.” They sit atop your kidneys and they are your stress glands. They make a lot of hormones for your body in addition to cortisol. Your adrenal glands are vital for optimal health.
Each patient at Space Coast Advanced Health receives a personalized, systems-oriented therapeutic plan using evidence and insight, art and science. Functional medicine is a different approach, with methodology and tools that are specifically designed to prevent and treat chronic diseases and Autoimmune Diseases.
“We leave no stone unturned to find the cause of the problem,” Dr. Alukonis said. “We do the testing necessary to determine the right treatment for your individual care.”

What is autoimmune disease? It's when our immune system mounts an attack against our own organs and glands--the very tissues it's supposed to protect from foreign invaders! Regardless which tissue is attacked, the mechanism is the same--the immune system gone awry.
Here are some common autoimmune diseases and the tissues they affect:
Thyroid -
Hashimoto's Thyroiditis (the most common autoimmune disorder and the cause of 80% or more of all low thyroid cases)
GI tract -
Celiac, Crohn's and Colitis
Brain -
MS, Autism, Mood Disorders
Joints -
Rheumatoid Arthritis, Ankylosing Spondylitis
Muscles -
Fibromyalgia, Muscular Dystrophy, Migraine
Spinal Cord -
Guillain-Barre Syndrome
Skin -
Psoriasis, Vitiligo, Scleroderma, Rosacea
Blood -
Leukemia, Pernicious Anemia
Nerves -
Peripheral Neuropathy
Lungs -
Asthma, Wegener's
If you or a loved one suffer from any of these conditions, please-
Call today to schedule an appointment 321-783-1960 

Are You Ready For Optimal Health? 


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299 N. Orlando Ave.
Cocoa Beach, Fl. 32931


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