10 Signs You May Have a Parasite

Having a parasite can be a scary thought. However, you are not alone — you’d be shocked at how often intestinal parasites are to blame for ongoing health issues, from digestive symptoms, to insomnia, to skin issues, and more.
The idea that parasites only exist in underdeveloped countries is a myth. Truth be told, I see them in the majority of patients I treat, particularly my thyroid and autoimmune patients.
And all too often these patients have tested negative for parasites using standard testing, yet come up positive on functional medicine tests, like live blood analysis.

10 Signs You May Have a Parasite

  1. Unexplained constipation, diarrhea, gas, or other symptoms of IBS
  2. Trouble falling asleep or wake up multiple times during the night
  3. Skin irritation or unexplained rash, hives, rosacea, or eczema
  4. Grinding your teeth in your sleep
  5. Pain or aching in your muscles or joints
  6. Fatigue, exhaustion, depression, or frequent feeling of apathy
  7. Never feeling satisfied or full after your meals
  8. Diagnosis of iron-deficiency anemia
  9. Traveled internationally and remember getting traveler’s diarrhea while abroad
  10. History of food poisoning and ‘your digestion has not been the same since’
The signs of a parasite can often appear unrelated and unexplained. As I mentioned previously, there are MANY different types of parasites that we are exposed to in our environments. I typically see parasites causing more constipation in patients than diarrhea, but some parasites are capable of changing the fluid balance in your gut and causing diarrhea.
Trouble sleeping, skin irritations, mood changes, and muscle pain can all be caused by the toxins that parasites release into the bloodstream. Often times, these toxins cause anxiety, which can manifest itself in different way. For instance, waking up in the middle of the night or grinding your teeth in your sleep are signs that your body is experiencing anxiety while you rest. When these toxins interact with your neurotransmitters or blood cells, they can cause mood swings or skin irritation.

Parasites as a Root Cause for Hashimoto’s, and Graves’

As I mentioned, I often see parasites in my patients with thyroid dysfunction, particularly the two autoimmune thyroid conditions, Hashimoto’s and Graves’. And this is no coincidence, as infections are one of the five potential root causes of all autoimmune disease.
A potential trigger for both Hashimoto’s and Graves’ is toxoplasmosis, a disease caused by a parasite found in undercooked pork and infected cat feces. If you’ve been infected you might not have any symptoms or you may experience milk flu-like symptoms. For pregnant women, toxoplasmosis poses a risk to the fetus (which is why expecting mothers are advised to stay away from kitty litter). In most people, the parasite passes, but sometimes it can linger in your system, triggering Hashimoto’s or Graves.
Blastocystis hominis is another parasite that has been linked to Hashimoto’s. It is common in developing countries, so if you’ve traveled to the developing world you may well have picked it up. The Centers for Disease Control says that this parasite doesn’t really cause any harm. However, I’ve seen case reports in which people are treated for this parasite and then their Hashimoto’s resolves. Because of this, I always recommend testing for (and if necessary, treating) parasites in my autoimmune thyroid patients.
One easy way to find out if you have a parasite is by utilizing Live Nutritional Blood Analysis. Nutritional Blood Analysis is a quick unique test that's done with a single drop of blood placed under a high-powered microscope. You then see a living picture of your blood on a monitor screen while the test is being conducted. The procedure costs only $50 and is done right here in our office
Call today to schedule an appointment 321-783-1960 so we can discuss nutritional strategies for health, including supplementing and simple dietary and lifestyle changes.

Are You Ready For Optimal Health? 


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