Hot Flashes & Menopause

Non-hormonal relief for hot flashes*
Women of all stages of menopause want effective relief and options. An estimated 6,000 US women reach menopause every day. While hormone therapies (HT) have demonstrated reliably effective relief for hot flashes, they also carry a greater risk of adverse events, and may not be recommended for premenopausal women or for long periods of time. And many natural approaches (though often safer) may work well for some women but fail to offer the degree of desired relief for others.*

Try the new gold standard for menopausal relief. Estrovera® provides a special extract of Siberian rhubarb known as ERr 731® that has a long history of successful, widespread use and has been recommended by healthcare providers in Europe for over 20 years. ERr 731 does not contain estrogen or have very potent action on estrogen receptors in the body, making it a safer option.*
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In well-designed clinical studies, ERr 731 has been clinically tested and shown to significantly reduce the frequency and severity of daily menopausal hot flashes in as little as 4 weeks. 

ERr 731 has also demonstrated relief for other common menopausal symptoms, including:*
· Irritability, anxiety, and poor mood

· Vaginal dryness and urinary tract symptoms 
· Feelings of physical/mental exhaustion
· Sleep disturbances

Call our office today to learn more about Estrovera and natural relief for menopausal symptoms.* 321-783-1960

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. 

Call today to schedule an appointment 321-783-1960 so we can discuss nutritional strategies for health, including supplementing and simple dietary and lifestyle changes.

Are You Ready For Optimal Health? 

We are offering a discounted consultation fee with the mention of this post to FaceBook. Please call us today to find out more 321-783-1930 
299 N. Orlando Ave.
Cocoa Beach, Fl. 32931


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